Author: Troop607 Admin
Red Creek Backpacker – November 2019
We started our drive to the trail around 7:30, but the drive was rather long, so we didn’t arrive until around 10:30. We hiked in four miles in and then began to set up. Later in the evening we started our campfire. After Mr. Harnisch told his story we headed off to bed. In the…
Rocket Outing – October 2019
The rocket camp out was a very enjoyable camp out. The troop got to celebrate the joining of 2 new beavers, Thomas, our new SPL, Mark (ASPL) and outlet other ASPL (Sam) couldn’t join us there. At the camp out we built rockets out of playing cards and launched them high. Many people were enjoying…
White Water Rafting
Most of us left the Elks around 4:30 pm on Friday. By the time we got to the campsite it was around 7:30 and we set up camp. The next morning we left at 8:30 to go to the river. After we got our wetsuits on we headed down to the launch site and got…
R-C Outing
We left from the Elks Lodge around 7:30. On the way we stopped at Circle K in Payson. When we got to the cabin there was a little snow on the ground. We all ate lunch and got our snow gear on. After that we went up to the Mogollon Rim to look for more…
Rocket launch – October 2018
We left Saturday morning and stopped at a couple of places to make sure everyone was with us. When we got there everyone set up and the patrols cooked lunch. Then we launched card rockets. After that many people went on hikes.
Workman Creek – September 2018
We headed up to the Elks Youth Lodge and set up camp. The next morning we waited for people to show up and around 10:00 we all got in the cars and headed up to the trail head. Half of us started to hike to Aztec peak while the rest stayed in the meadow. As we…
Houston Brothers Trail – July 2018
Houston Brothers Trail was gorgeous and awesome. The scouts that went are Ian, Joshua, Sam, Mark, Liam, Kyle, Joe, Richie, Jax, and Steven. The adults are Mr. Harnisch, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. North, and Mr. Earnst. It was a fourteen miles hike both ways and it wasn’t the easiest but it wasn’t hardest. We got there…
Camp Geronimo – June 2018
Camp Geronimo is a camp where you stay at the campsite for a week, and you get to do merit badges and have free time. We hiked to our campsite and set up our camping gear. That day, everybody just chilled in their hammocks or in their tents. the hammock areas was the most popular…
Chevelon Canyon – May 2018
We went to the Chevelon Canyon Backpacker. It was four miles both ways, but it was beautiful and colorful. The campsite was the same and our campsite was along the creek. We caught crawdads and we ate them. The scout leaders were Mr. Harnisch, Mr. North, Mr. Pela and other leaders. There was ten scouts…
Geronimo Service Project – April 2018
Afternoon the troop 607 went to the Geronimo Service Project. We came on Friday night, set up and went to bed. We fixed the broken lashes on the troop fence and replaced with new ones. We also fixed the path down by the creek. Thanks to Mr.Walker and the people who helped build this wonderful…