
Troop 607 is a boy led troop. Our boy leaders are elected by the boys. Here is a current list of the leadership for troop 607:

Senior Patrol LeaderMichael Follensbee
Assistant Senior Patrol LeaderDominic Pela
Assistant Senior Patrol LeaderTitus Mukai
Patrol Leader – FoxRyan Dudley
Patrol Leader – ScorpionGrant Mooring-Benson
Troop GuideBrandon Schrock
ScribeAndrew McBeath
HistorianAidan Ellis
WebmasterRylan Liegeois
Chaplain Dylan Tornquist
Quartermaster Heath Speck
Outdoor Ethics GuideDavin Harris
Bugler Will McDermott
 OA RepAndrew McBeath

Our adult leaders are primarily here to mentor the boys. Several have been serving the troop for decades.

ScoutmasterBryan Schrock
Assistant ScoutmasterPaul Harnisch
Assistant ScoutmasterKen Kennedy
Committee ChairDave Pela
Chartered Organization RepresentativeGregg Hayes