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Mount Lemmon
On August 19 a group of Scouts and Adult leaders drove to Mount Lemmon for a backpacker in the Santa Catalina Natural Area. We had a 4 mile hike to our camping area and we explored the forest and nearby creek. Sunday we did a 5 mile hike out and drove home.
Sea Base 2023
This summer 12 scouts and 4 adult leaders had a great adventure at Sea Base in Florida. On July 12 we all met at PHX airport and flew to Florida. We spent 5 days at Sea Base canoeing, fishing, cooking and camping on the beach. A good time was had by all.
Day 1SaturdayScouts met at the Elks Lodge at around 9:30. Then headed to Geronimo, getting there at around 12:10. With tents occupied, bedding laid out, and the leader’s gear transported to the Adirondacks, scouts sat around, played frisbee and football, and relaxed for the rest of the day. Selected Scouts prepared dinner for the troop.…
White Water Rafting
On March 3-5 we had the Salt River white water rafting trip which was a 10 miles long river run. There was amazing views along the river. The river guilds made an amazing fajita lunch with appetizers. The rapids were amazing with really good hits. Some of the rapids names are Kiss and Tell, Exhibition,…
Reeves Falls
Reeves Falls was a very scenic and beautiful canyon. We arrived at the trail head around 8 o’clock and set up camp in the parking lot. The next day we started hiking around 9. The trail for the first four miles was flat and pretty easy. Around mile four we started our decent into the…
Ski Outing
The troop left Phoenix on Friday evening and we met up at a house we rented to stay in. We relaxed the rest of the night, and the next morning we got up early to head to Snow Bowl. When we arrived we rented our snowboards and skis and headed out to the slopes. Some…
Sycamore Canyon 2022
Our Sycamore Canyon backpacker had a 1 mile hike and a 6 and half mile hike. The longer hike was through very scenic areas and the trail was very hard to follow as it was not that well defined and the cairns were hidden. The shorter hike was steeper but the path was much easier…
Alamo Lake Outing
After about a two and a half hour drive we arrived at the lake, it was kind of difficult getting a spot becuase it was packed for the three day weekend. We finally found our spot on a hill so a lot of people slept slantedly. We all fished, played card games, sat at the…
R-C Outing January 2020
We left the Elks headed for R-C around 7, and stopped in Payson at the Speedway. We got to the cabin at R-C around 10. After a while we drove up to the Mogollon Rim to play in the snow. Unfortunately, some people got their cars stuck in the snow. We went back to the…
Hutch’s Pool Backpacker December 2019
We left the Elks early in the morning so that we could catch an early tram to the trailhead. Unfortunately there was some car trouble so we had to take the later tram. On the hike there were many pretty views of the mountains around us. Once we were all set up we relaxed, and…